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Our Formation

"I desire nothing more than, with the grace of  God
to be the least and offer
  myself as a sacrifice
for the work of spreading the faith."

- Bl. Josepha Hendrina Stenmanns

We welcome women
between the ages of 20 and 40 who:

Feel called by God to a religious - missionary life;

Enjoy good physical

and mental health;

Are able to help others

and who are open to personal
and professional growth;

Want to share their lives and faith with other women
who have similar goals.

Process of Formation

For us, Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, formation is

a continuous process
of encountering our God and responding to God's creative Word.

Therefore, our missionary formation is a life-long journey of conversion
and transformation in Christ.

While the transformation is primarily the work of God's Spirit in us,
it demands our personal response.

Our formation process enables us to know Christ more deeply,
to grow in the capacity

for greater self-giving.
We seek to develop and use all our God-given talents

in the service of others.

Phases  of Formation

Formation in our Congregation is a life-long process of conversion  

and transformation in Christ.

All of the various phases of formation

are to be seen as a whole, with particular emphases and goals for each phase.

We can differentiate six phases of formation:

Our  Day
  •   Morning Prayer

  • Eucharistic Celebration

  • Breakfast

  • Meditation (Each sister schedules the best time for herself)

  • Work

  • Dinner

  • Work

  • Evening Prayer

  • Supper

  • Recreation (Sisters may choose other times for recreation)

*Faith sharing groups meet once a week (Each group chooses day time and place).

*Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: (Third Monday of each month).

*Private Recollection: once a month.  

-This is the community schedule.-

Sisters who have a ministry outside of the community may have a different schedule according to her responsibilities.

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